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DuWayne C. Dale, DMA, MBA
Applicant for Director, School of Music, MTSU
270-903-9888 (C)
606-783-2485 (O)
1516 Perkins Street
Morehead, KY 40351
Portfolio Website:
Note to Reviewers
Welcome to my supplemental materials webpage. Please explore the curated selection of documents below to gain further insight into my professional activities.
Application Documents
Sample Administrative and Advocacy Projects
Multidisciplinary Building Departmental Input
In 2023, it was announced Morehead State would receive funding of $90 million to replace our music facility as part of a multidisciplinary building. I drafted a document outlining desirable features for the new space. In partnership with my department chair, music faculty feedback was gathered and used to prepare a final draft. The document has guided the entirety of our work on the development of final plans for the new building.
Advocacy Sample—Student Credit Hour Generation
In spring 2024, each department across the university was asked to make suggestions for increasing student credit hour (SCH) generation. In response, I drafted a document explaining the complexities of using SCH generation as a leading indicator of efficiency and productive in a thriving music department. I presented it, along with a number of potential ideas for increasing SCH, to my department chair and my college dean during a strategic planning session. The dean has utilized my document as the basis for departmental advocacy on this issue.
NASM Self-Study Document
I served on a departmental team tasked with preparing the self-study document for the most recent NASM reaccreditation cycle for our music unit at Morehead State. My responsibilities included drafting multiple sections of the document as well as compiling, formatting, and editing the final report. I have redacted confidential information from the attached file.
Curriculum Sample—Certificate Programs
Recently, I proposed a series of certificate programs to complement the existing degree programs at Morehead State. These certificates will offer students the ability to customize their degree program and enhance their job preparedness and marketability. Additionally, I designed these certificates to support SCH generation in courses that have traditionally had lower enrollment and to incentivize non-music majors to participate in our program offerings.
Organization Sample—Event Documents
I have sole responsibility for multiple large music events at Morehead State each year. The annual Blue and Gold marching band event is similar to MTSU's Contest of Champions. During my tenure as Director of Bands, we have hosted as many as 22 high school bands (over 1400 high school students) and several thousand spectators. The sample includes an information sheet for participating directors as well as the job description sheets I use to organize MSU student workers. These demonstrate the level of communication and attention to detail present in my work.
Other Work Product Sample—Concert Program
As a means to enhance the performance experience for audiences and to model professional work products for my students, I design marketing posters and concert programs for all MSU Bands performances. The attached document is a recent program that was available to audience members in both digital and print forms.
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